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13 MARCH 2020
- The Courts will be acting in accordance with advice from Government health authorities to ensure consistency among public institutions to avoid confusion and unnecessary disruption.
- We are currently advised that we are in the prevention stage of dealing with the coronavirus. During the prevention stage the Courts will be conducting business as usual without modification to the lists.
- Mentions and pre-trial hearings are to be conducted by way of audio link where possible.
- For mentions and pre-trial hearings, prisoners should appear by audio-visual link from the prison where possible, unless excused if legally represented.
- Updated advice is available on the Australian Government’s “Find the Facts” Page:
- Hand sanitising liquid/gel will be made available in the court foyers and courtrooms.
- If you are required to isolate yourself at home for 14 days you should contact the relevant Court Registry to advise your situation. Currently, you MUST isolate yourself at home for 14 days:
- if you have left, or transited through, mainland China on or after 1 February 2020, or
- if you have left, or transited through Iran on or after 1 March 2020, or
- if you have left, or transited through, the Republic of Korea, on or after 5 March 2020, or
- if you have been in close contact with a proven case of COVID-19:
- The situation is evolving and the courts will be taking a precautionary approach.
- This notice will be updated as the circumstances require.