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Security officers are appointed as ‘court security officers’ under the Court Security Act. This gives them discretionary powers including conducting searches, obtaining identification from individuals and to require people to leave court premises.

Under the Court Security Act, ‘court premises’ includes a forecourt, courtyard, yard or area used in conjunction with the premises or place; and a part of premises that is used to provide entry to or exit from court premises.

Courts have conditions of entry posted at the entrance of premises as follows:

  • Audio and visual recordings or transmission by use of any means, including electronic or mechanical device, is prohibited within this building without the written permission of the Court.
  • The use of mobile telephones within the Court rooms is strictly prohibited. Mobile telephones are permitted for audio use in public areas only. Non-compliance may result in confiscation, at the discretion of the Court. Lawyers have an exception to access legislation.
  • Every person entering the court must submit to a scanning and/or search, when and if required.

It is an offence under the Court Security Act to:

  • Carry any prohibited item, explosive device or offensive weapon e.g., firearm, martial arts weapon, baton, knife or any article which can be used as a weapon; or
  • Fail to give your name, address and evidence of identity or reason for being on the Court premises when requested to do so by an authorised officer.

Breach of these conditions of entry will result in refusal of entry to the Court, removal from the premises or arrest.

  • Any visitors having concerns regarding their safety or security whilst in this building should contact Court security staff for assistance.
  • Close circuit television and video surveillance is in operation throughout this building.