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Publication Type 
Local Court (General)
Date of Publication 
6 June 2024

Expressions of interest are invited for appointment as either a Local Court or Acting Judge of the Local Court in the Northern Territory.

Applicants must satisfy the eligibility requirements specified in s60(3) of the Local Court Act (NT). Beyond those minimum requirements, candidates are expected to have extensive legal experience and enjoy high standing in the legal profession.

Local Court Judges may exercise jurisdiction in criminal, civil, child protection, work health and coronial matters and will be based at either Darwin, Alice Springs or Katherine. Section 22(2) of the Local Court Act 2015 (NT) provides that a Local Court Judge may be directed as to the place in the Territory where he or she is to perform his or her duties, and any appointment is made subject to that statutory condition. The appointee may also be required to travel to bush courts and travel in light aircraft.

Acting appointments are expected to be made in July 2024 and will expire by July 2025 depending upon the requirements of the Court and availability of applicants. Expressions of interest are sought for one ongoing position and one or more acting positions. Applications will be assessed against the selection criteria for Local Court Judges which can be found on the Local Court website. Applicants should outline their experience in the use of digital technology and electronic case management systems.

Applicants for Acting Judge positions should be mindful that they may have to be separated from their current employment while undertaking this role.

All expressions of interest must include full particulars of qualifications and experience and include a completed ‘Questionnaire and Consent’ form which can also be obtained from the website. All completed documentation should be sent in a single pdf to Mr Chris Cox, Executive Director, Justice Services at chris.cox [at] nt.gov.au.

Closing date: 14 June 2024