JURISDICTION: Work Health Court - Alice Springs
FILE NO(s): 20312353
DELIVERED ON: 12 March 2004
DELIVERED AT: Alice Springs
HEARING DATE(s): 8 March 2004
Worker: J Waters QC
Employer: P Barr
Worker: Scicluna & Associates
Employer: Morgan Buckley
Judgment category classification:
Judgment ID number: 024
Number of paragraphs: 19
No. 20312353
(Delivered 12 March 2004)
1. Two preliminary issues with respect to this case were argued on the 8th of
March 2004. The first related to the issuing of a s.69 notice to the worker
on the 1st of May 2003 and the validity of the Form 5. If that issue is decided
as against the worker, there is an application for interim benefits before the
Court. The second matter before the Court is an application to strike out the
Counterclaim filed by the employer. I will deal with each in turn.
2. 1. Section 69 Issue The worker received a letter from TIO, a notice of decision
dated the 1st of May 2003 and a medical certificate signed by Dr Brian Timney.
The notice of decision will be referred to as the Form 5. The worker's payments
of weekly compensation were cancelled by the Form 5. Mr Waters QC, for the worker,
has argued that the Form 5 does not comply with the strict requirements of s.69
of the Work Health Act ("the Act"). Section 69 sets out the preconditions
to cancellation or reduction of compensation payable under subdivision B of
division 3 of the Work Health Act. Payments of weekly compensation are included
in that subdivision. Section 69 sets out that compensation shall not be cancelled
or reduced unless certain preconditions are complied with. Once the preconditions
are complied with, the employer can cancel weekly benefits from 14 days of the
date of the Form 5 notice.
3. Section 69 states that compensation "shall not be cancelled or reduced
unless the worker to whom it is payable has been given" (my underlining)
and then various requirements under s.69 are set out. It is apparent that these
requirements must be met and if they are not, cancellation or reduction of payments
of compensation will not be a valid cancellation or reduction. These requirements
must be strictly complied with and I point to the word "shall" in
s.69 when making that statement. The employer has the unilateral ability to
cancel or reduce payments within 14 days of a notice being issued and the powers
in s.69 must be exercised strictly in compliance with the Act.
4. As a consequence of the decision of the employer, the worker appealed the
s.69 decision. In Disability Services v Regan (1998) 8 NTLR 73 at 76 Justice
Mildren stated:
" An appeal under s.69 calls into question only whether there has been
a change in circumstances justifying the action unilaterally taken by the employer
at the time the notice was given".
The balance of the Court of Appeal agreed with Justice Mildren.
5. Mr Waters QC argued that the Form 5 does not comply with subsections 69
(3) and (4) of the Act. I am in agreement with his submission. The reasons for
my decision are as follows: The Form 5 notice states in part:
"The reasons for this decision are: -
" You have ceased to be incapacitated for work.
Medical Certificate from Dr Brian Timney dated the 29th of April 2003 is attached."
6. The medical certificate attached from Dr Timney is a contemporaneous assessment
of the worker. The worker was examined by Dr Timney on the 9th of April 2003.
On the 29th of April 2003 Dr Timney certified as follows:
" As a result of that examination I CERTIFY that the worker has ceased
to be incapacitated for work as a result of the work injury".
7. Section 69 (3) of the Work Health Act requires a medical certificate to accompany
the Form 5 certifying that the person has ceased to be incapacitated for work.
The medical certificate which accompanies the Form 5 in this matter does not
adequately substantiate the reasons for decision which are given in the Form
5. The Form 5 says that the worker has ceased to be incapacitated for work.
There is no proviso or rider on that statement. The medical certificate has
a proviso that the worker has ceased to be incapacitated for work "as a
result of the work injury". The medical certificate leaves open the possibility
that the worker may be incapacitated for work but for some other reason, for
example some other intervening incident. If that is the case, the worker must
be advised. There is an ambiguity as between the 2 statements.
8. Henry Walker Contracting PTY LTD v Edwards [2001] NTSC 16, decided by Justice
Angel on the 16th of March 2001, raised a similar factual issue as this case.
Justice Angel said at paragraph 4:
" The certificate in the present case was qualified by reference to particular
injuries. Thus it did not support the Form 5 Notice. It is the Notice not the
medical certificate that needs to be justified factually."
As in the Henry Walker case, in this case the employer has not factually justified
the cessation of the payments on the sole ground given in the Notice.
9. Section 69 (4) of the Work Health Act is also a mandatory requirement. That
subsection states that the Form 5 Notice must set out reasons for the cancellation
or reduction of the compensation in sufficient detail to enable the worker to
understand fully why the compensation is being reduced or cancelled. In this
case there is no explanation set out in the Form 5, let alone an explanation
that complies with s.69 (4) of the Act. There is no explanation whatsoever that
the worker can comprehend as to why her payments, which were payable up until
the 1st of May 2003, would be cancelled in full 14 days after receipt of that
10. I have been referred to the decisions of Justice Angel in Dickins v NT TAB
PTY LTD [2003] NTSC 119 and Normandy NFM v Turner [2002] NTSC 29. Normandy is
authority for the principle that s.69 (4) of the Act "requires a notice
to spell out why the status quo should change, in clear terms that a lay reader
can fully understand". Paragraph 17 of the case of Dickins sets out the
importance of requirements under s.69 and in particular the requirements of
s.69 (4) of the Act. Paragraph 17 says in part "A notice must unambiguously
spell out why a current payment regime should change in clear terms that a lay
reader can fully and readily understand". I rely upon Justice Angel's remarks
in those cases in making the decision in this matter.
11. Whether subsection 69 (3) or (4) of the Act is relied upon, the requirements
of s.69 were not complied with. Accordingly I find this preliminary point in
favour of the worker. I order that the worker's entitlement weekly and other
benefits of compensation, as cancelled following the notice of the 1st of May
2003, be reinstated. I will hear parties on the question of costs. Accordingly
there is no need to make a decision on the interim benefits application and
I will invite the worker to withdraw that application.
12. As the order was made on the preliminary point, there is no need to consider
whether the worker was incapacitated for work at the time of the Form 5 and
there is no need to consider any medical evidence as part of the workers case.
The order sought in paragraph 8 (1) of the Statement of Claim has been made
without the need for a full hearing of the matter. Apart from the question of
costs, the worker is not seeking any other orders in her Statement of Claim.
13. 2. Question of the Counterclaim Leave was granted by Mr Ward DCM for a counterclaim
to be filed by the employer in this matter. An application has been made on
behalf of the worker for that counterclaim to be struck out. It was submitted
on behalf of the worker that no claim of right or entitlement is being sought
in the counterclaim. It was alternatively argued by the worker that further
particularity be ordered if the counterclaim is to remain.
14. The employer argued that the counterclaim should remain and it was also
submitted that Full Court findings supported the widening of issues in cases
such as this.
15. Paragraph 5 of the Counterclaim reads:
" The employer seeks a ruling under s.104 (1) Work Health Act read with
s.94 (1) (a) Work Health Act as the extent of the worker's incapacity (if any)
from the 1st of May 2003 to the present and ongoing and consequential orders
as to cancellation or reduction as the case may be of compensation payable to
the worker".
16. The employer argued that this amounted to a remedy which could be claimed
under a counterclaim. I am not satisfied that this counterclaim does amount
to a counterclaim pursuant to Rule 9.05 of the Work Health Rules. Rule 9.05
(2) of the Work Health Rules sets out that:
" A counterclaim is to contain -
(a) a concise statement of the nature of the claim;
(b) particulars of the claim; and
(c) a statement of the relief or remedy sought."
Each of these three elements must be contained within the counterclaim.
17. It is my view that the counterclaim as filed does not comply with Rule 9.05
(2) of the Work Health Rules and in particular the statement of the relief or
remedy sought is not in compliance with the Rules and there is no statement
of the nature of the claim. The employer is seeking a "ruling" of
the Court. As it is presently drafted, this counterclaim does not contain a
statement of the relief or remedy sought or the nature of the claim. I rely
upon remarks I made in the case of Barclay v TNT Australia PTY LTD delivered
on the 12th of September 2003 as to the nature of a counterclaim under the Work
Health Rules in making this decision.
18. In light of my order on the section 69 issue, I propose raising with the
parties the question of the counterclaim for further submissions. My initial
thoughts are that, following the reinstatement of the payments of compensation,
it is for the employer to make a further assessment of the workers incapacity
(if it so elects to do so) and it is not for the Court to inquire into that
issue. If the medical evidence provided to the employer appears to support a
cancellation or reduction of compensation, a decision can be made by the employer
as to whether to cancel or reduce the compensation. There has not been the need
to consider any medical evidence or to consider the workers incapacity to decide
the section 69 issue. As the situation presently stands, the worker will be
reinstated to the level of compensation she received as at 1 May 2003. I stress
that these are my initial thoughts on the issue.
19. If it is agreed between the parties that the Counterclaim can still stand
following the decision on the section 69 issue, or if I am required to make
a ruling on that issue and the Counterclaim is not struck out and remains to
be adjudicated upon, I advise that, as there has been some particularisation
of what is being sought, I would be minded to grant the employer leave to file
a further counterclaim which complies with Rule 9.05 of the Work Health Rules.
I will hear further from the parties on this question.
Dated this 12th day of March 2004.
M Little